fixer bhutan

Production services
at international standards

When it comes to production support in Bhutan, it is useful to hire a helping hand for your crew to make filming on the ground easier.

Our video production services in Bhutan

Fixer Bhutan offers a broad range of services in the media production industry, including finding fixers, figuring out local access, obtaining film permits, sourcing gear, and others. We are your one-stop shop for video production in Bhutan, standing behind your crew and making sure you are helped fast and efficiently regardless of the task you require.

video production services in bhutan

Fixer services
& local contributors

Fixer Bhutan relies on a team of local professionals to be able to service your production crew efficiently. Our fixer services in Bhutan guarantee you will receive the right type of help when needed, through our local professionals with years of experience in media production.

Film permits
& local access

A fascinating country with unique traditions and culture, Bhutan is a location growing in popularity for filming crews looking for a spectacular place to shoot. Because of this, the local authorities have issued a mandate for obtaining a film permit for all productions. Figuring out the permits is easier through our video production services in Bhutan

Filming equipment

Any video producer requires a reliable source for renting equipment should they need it, and filming in Bhutan makes no exception. Our fixer knows the right local filming equipment rental stores, places that can provide the gear you need for any production, anywhere in the country.

& research

When it comes to fact-checking and research for media production, your production assistant in Bhutan will advise you on the right way to deal with these key aspects of your project. Hiring a local professional to help you with this task is the appropriate method of sorting this part of your production.

production coordinator bhutan


While in Bhutan, you will be offered assistance with finding the right locations to shoot in based on the project you are working on. Location management is one of the video production services in Bhutan that our local professionals are offering to crews coming to Bhutan for work.


Fixer Bhutan is helping film productions travelling to our country with the logistics of their project, thanks to our extensive services for production support in Bhutan. Our local fixers will take care of transportation for your crew, as well as accommodation and other services that will help you manage the production easier.

How we work

Fixer Bhutan provides production support to media producers and their crews that come to Bhutan for projects. We offer our video production services in Bhutan by following a set of four easy steps. Our collaboration begins with you sending us an email with the details of your project. After receiving your email, a team representative will get in contact with you. Alongside them, you will decide on the services we will be providing to you and your crew while in Bhutan. The next step is for you to start preparing your production, while we start getting ready for your arrival.

While at this stage, you will be assigned a production assistant, your dedicated helper all along the way throughout the project. The last step of our collaboration is the actual work we will be doing on the ground. You work on your project while Fixer Bhutan helps you with the production support you need. We will be your helping hand from the moment you start shooting until the wrap-up. Our video production services in Bhutan will allow you to work faster, as well as more efficiently on your project. Regardless of what you need from us, Fixer Bhutan will be there to assist you all along the way.

Your production support in Bhutan

Fixer Bhutan offers video production services in the country of Bhutan, such as fixer services as well as other media production essentials to you and your crew. Regardless of what you need while here, be it a recommendation for a filming equipment rental store, or a journalist fixer to help you find people to interview, our local professionals will help you along the way. Fixer Bhutan operates by international work standards thanks to our vetted local professionals.

We vet everyone we work with by making sure they have the required experience in the field, the knowledge that will help your particular production. Another reason why you will benefit from working with us in Bhutan is our offer of production liability insurance on all projects. Because of this feature, you are financially safe regardless of what occurs during production. Fixer Bhutan also offers fast and accurate local budgeting through our local professionals and collaborators.

Your production support in Bhutan

Fixer Bhutan offers video production services in the country of Bhutan, such as fixer services as well as other media production essentials to you and your crew. Regardless of what you need while here, be it a recommendation for a filming equipment rental store, or a journalist fixer to help you find people to interview, our local professionals will help you along the way. Fixer Bhutan operates by international work standards thanks to our vetted local professionals.

We vet everyone we work with by making sure they have the required experience in the field, the knowledge that will help your particular production. Another reason why you will benefit from working with us in Bhutan is our offer of production liability insurance on all projects. Because of this feature, you are financially safe regardless of what occurs during production. Fixer Bhutan also offers fast and accurate local budgeting through our local professionals and collaborators.

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